Don't Lose Your License After A DUI Citation

Access to a motor vehicle is critical in the day-to-day lives of many Americans. Without a driver's license, you are unable to legally operate a motor vehicle and transport yourself from one location to another. The possibility of losing your license exists when you are cited for driving under the influence of alcohol or another controlled substance. You need to ensure that you understand the steps that you must take after being issued a citation to minimize the risk of having your license permanently suspended.

Topics To Discuss When Meeting With A Personal Injury Attorney

For individuals that have suffered personal injuries, speaking with an attorney can provide clarity as to their ability to pursue damages and compensation. However, the process of meeting with and hiring an attorney can be a task that many first-time plaintiffs may find intimidating or unnecessarily stressful. When meeting with these professionals, there are a few topics that you should always make sure to discuss. The Strength Of Your Case

Pros And Cons Of Targeting Multiple Defendants In A Personal Injury Case

In a personal injury case, there is not always just a single defendant at which to target your legal action. In many situations, two or more parties may have had a negligent role in your injury, which means that you might wish to build a large personal injury suit against each of them. An attorney who is experiencing in handling multiple suits concurrently will be valuable to you at this time.

Why You Should Fight Domestic Violence Charges During Your Divorce

If you are in the midst of a nasty divorce, there might have been some allegations against you that weren't very positive. For example, your soon-to-be ex-spouse might have accused you of domestic violence, even if the allegations are not true. Starting Over Can Be Much More Difficult Right now, the prospect of starting over after the end of your marriage might seem overwhelming. You might feel as if the future is bleak.

Reestablish Your Relationship With Your Estranged Children

Parental alienation can have some serious repercussions, including how your children will perceive relationships and personal issues as an adult and their ability to form bonds with others throughout their lives. If your ex has virtually severed your relationship with your children, the tips below will help you reestablish your relationship with them. Stay Calm And Reach Out Your first instinct may be to hunt down you ex and give them a piece of your mind, but this could land you in hot water if your ex thinks that they are being threatened and decides to press charges or take a restraining order out against you.